Because we live in such a high tech and fast paced society, there are so many different things that we need to remember.
What kind of things am I talking about? Well, you have things...
Many college students need help when writing essays, term papers, and research papers. The school library is a good place for research, asking for help or tutoring from another student...
If you think that everyday classes in university won’t go well with your schedule, you can opt for distance online learning.
What’s online education? Well, it’s basically online...
Are you a newly graduated student who wants to improve your practical knowledge and enrich your resume? Or, are you an employee who wants to take a break from the workplace and increase...
ASAP jobs in the UK are a great option for individuals looking for flexible and immediate employment opportunities. The term “ASAP” stands for “as soon as possible”...
The traditional image of a school library is a place of solitude, lined with dusty bookshelves and reading material. The Dewey Decimal system reigns supreme and students need to be...
How often have you found yourself in a situation where you are unable to remember the name of someone you met, only a few moments ago. Names, addresses, telephone numbers, pin numbers,...
Sometimes we have to take alternative approaches to learning for students who are unmotivated or have been labelled as failures or troublemakers. These students may do really well in...
Composing a good thesis on business is a laboring task to complete. Picking a right topic, researching materials, and writing the thesis require a lot of thought and weeks. And still,...
The teacher of today is facing overwhelming challenges in the classroom. Teachers are expected to meet all the needs of their students from many diverse backgrounds and have knowledge...
In today’s world, education is a key to being successful in almost all fields. Individuals need to bring to date their knowledge and information in areas of their profession, or they...
With technology running wild during those last decades, learning has become a piece of cake even for adults who, for some reason, didn’t manage to finish school or their college education....
There are companies that place ads for internship programs or internships for students and many bandy around the fact they are a waste of time. Those companies want something for nothing....
It is up to the parents to develop effective learning methods so that their children can be productive in their studies. Productivity in a child’s learning can be improved by putting...
Having good study habits is perhaps the most important part in becoming a good student.
I have observed successful students around me, to see what they do to succeed, and it came out...
Not all of us have been fortunate enough to have college degrees of which we can be proud. Some of us just did not have the money to fund a college or university education. Others did...
Life is like a competition: today you are on top, but tomorrow you might be out. This refers mostly to a career. It is so hard to keep your job, and it’s even harder to get promoted.
Distance learning is a relatively new concept that is getting more and more popular with people. It is an education process which takes place without the student’s and the teacher’s...
If you want to get a master’s degree from an advanced university located abroad, but you cannot leave your country, turn to the help of online degree teaching programs. These programs...
The Internet offers its users a large number of educational services that are worth mentioning.
On the Internet you can find extensive information about education in different countries,...
While some people naturally possess good writing skills, others lack them. But that does not mean you can’t become a good writer. If you work hard, you’ll definitely improve ...
“What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child,” once said George Bernard Shaw. Those who agree with this are supposedly eager...
We begin to choose a future career by asking a lot of questions of ourselves to find the right path.
Some of our major concerns are “What’s the right career for me? Am I cut out...
There are so many students around the world who have the desire to learn and acquire a degree in this or that field but who are unable to do that because of financial problems. College...
The Big Panda
The Big Panda is a resource for educational advice, news and tips. Are you interested in knowing the latest technology news? In a time of financial crisis is better to use a cheaper laptop and buy less expensive stuff in general.
Studying hard is important but you should also pay attention to your health and travel the world is a great way to relax and recover and get more energy to study more.